
Recovery and Bankruptcy Law: Relevant and controversial points of Law 14,112/2020

The 4th volume of the work “Lei de Recuperação e Falência: Pontos relevantes e controversos pela Lei 14.112/2020 (Recovery and Bankruptcy Law: Relevant and controversial points of Law 14.112/2020)” has just been released. It is coordinated by Dr. Paulo Furtado de Oliveira Filho, head judge of the 2nd Court of Bankruptcy and Judicial Reorganizations of São Paulo. In the collection, several authors comment on the novelties and controversial aspects of the reform of the Brazilian bankruptcy law.

Thomas Felsberg and Fabiana Solano contributed to the work with the article “O tabu do superendividamento da pessoa física: uma sugestão de abordagem (The taboo of over-indebtedness of individuals: a suggested approach)”, in which they analyze the different rules that exist today to deal with the indebtedness of individuals, combining the institute of civil insolvency with the new Over-indebtedness Law and the Recovery and Bankruptcy Law.

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