
Book: O Administrador Judicial e a Reforma da Lei 11,101/2005 (The Judicial Administrator and the Reform of Law 11,101/2005)

The book “O Administrador Judicial e a Reforma da Lei 11,101/2005 (The Judicial Administrator and the Reform of Law 11,101/2005)”, coordinated by João Pedro Scalzilli and Joice Ruiz Bernier, is already available for pre-sale on the Editora Almedina website.

Fabiana Solano and Thomas Felsberg wrote the chapter “O Administrador Judicial e o Compromisso com a Celeridade Processual  (The Judicial Administrator and the Commitment to Procedural Celerity)”, in which they analyze the new role of the judicial administrator, who assumes the duty to actively seek the alignment of the parties, the minimization of conflicts and the constant search for a quick return and repositioning of the so-called “stressed assets” in the economy.
