
Book: Business Law in Crisis: Current Issues on Recovery

The book “Direito da Empresa em Crise: Temas Atuais sobre Recuperação (Business Law in Crisis: Current Issues on Recovery)” is now available for purchase in the virtual bookstore of Editora Lumen Juris.

One of the chapters, “Plano dos Credores: Aspectos Polêmicos (Creditors’ Plan: Controversial Aspects)”, is contributed by our partners Thomas Felsberg and Fabiana Solano, specialists in Restructuring and Insolvency.

Coordinated by Matheus Martins Costa Mombach and Paulo Fernando Campana Filho, the book deals with the law reform, early termination of recovery, evolution of bankruptcy law, tax credit in recovery, rapid rehabilitation (fresh start) of the bankrupt, cross-border insolvency, evolution of the role of the judicial administrator, alternative plan for creditors, recovery of rural producers, period of suspension of actions (stay period), disposal of assets in the recovery, incentives for mediation and risk financing.

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