
Pix: os 4 golpes mais utilizados por criminosos

Fernanda Garibaldi, head of our Fintech and Payment Systems team, spoke to daily newspaper Estadão on 16 March about the four most commonly used scams on Pix. In the article, Fernanda commented that “Pix is ​​no less secure than other means of transfer, but we have to be aware that scammers use any device to commit crimes, especially in relation to new technologies”. Regarding the registration of Pix keys, Fernanda warned that “the registration is done within the virtual environment of your bank or digital wallet and when you register, it has a validation in two stages, that is, confirmation will be sent to your e-mail. In addition, these transfers are made by the institutions’ applications, never outside of them”.

You can read the full content, avaiable only in Portuguese, here.