
CBAr Study Group on Technology in Conflict Resolution

On 27 April, the Brazilian Arbitration Committee (CBAr), with the support of Felsberg Advogados, held a meeting of the CBAr Study Group on Technology in Dispute Resolution, which is co-coordinated by our partner Clarissa Luz.


The event featured a lecture and workshop by one of the most respected futurists in Latin America, Daniela Klaiman, on the theme “Trends that go beyond artificial intelligence: futuristic analysis and the role of means of conflict resolution in the process of interpretation and regulation of new technologies”.


Daniela is a professor of Coolhunting and Futurism at ESPM in São Paulo (for the past 12 years), a consultant on consumer behavior, graduate in Technology and Futurism from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, post-graduate in Trend Research from the University of Barcelona and founder and CEO of Future Future, a leading forecasting and strategy firm that helps Fortune 500 leaders and organizations prepare for and innovate against a backdrop of complex futures.


Check out the meeting, in Portuguese, here.