
Book: Piped Gas: New Directions in Distribution

Our partner, Rodrigo Bertoccelli, is co-author with Renato Fernandes de Castro of the article “A Distribuição de Gás Natural no Contexto do Novo Marco Legal (The Distribution of Natural Gas in the Context of the New Legal Framework)”, which deals with the infrastructure of the piped gas distribution service in accordance with the sector’s New Legal Framework.

The launch of the book “Gas Canalizado: Novos Rutas da Distribuição (Piped Gas: New Directions in Distribution)”, coordinated by Cid Tomanik Pompeu Filho and Daniela Santos, with articles written by renowned specialists in the natural gas sector, is a contribution to the advancement of what still needs to be improved in gas distribution.

The launch will take place on 13 September (Tuesday) at 6.30pm at Livraria da Vila at Shopping JK Iguatemi, in São Paulo.